But the most impressive was the Time square, because it has soooo big screens and lights so you don’t know where to look and the streets are neverending. We have also seen the Natural history museum where we felt like in
torek, 1. april 2008
After the great summer temperatures we ‘had’ to go to the cold
And of course the Islands around,, where we went with the ferry to see the Stature of liberty and the Brooklyn bridge and the whole
We were living on the Brodway street so of course we went to se one musical, that was great and one stand up comedy.
And than to the total south to
But we found a small beach, where we could swim and take pictures and in the evening, we went into the center, where we saw different performances and the best sunset I have ever seen.
We slept just few hours and than we went to the south. First to the Everglades-national park. It’s incredible, so peaceful, green, with a lot of big trees and of course wild-because of the alligators and other dangerous animals. We slept in a cute garden house, because the hostel was full and the next morning we went to the alligator farm and drove with the wind bout, what was even better then a rolercoster.
Deytona beach
Even the same night we went to Deytona beach, where we could see the real SPRING BREAK. Our hotel was directly on the beach and the students were playing footboll and drinking all day-like it is shown in the movies. In the evening drinking in the hotel and than going out! Every evening there was a party in one of the clubs and of course we were there. It was a great party on the beach, but the Americans were not so drunk (as shown in the movies-especially the girls), but you could see come couples making out.
The same day after DisneyWorld we went to Kennedy space center, where we could see and touch the space shuttle and feel the simulation of getting of and than at the end at 3 o clock in the morning we could be a part of astronautic history, because one of the NASA shuttles was really getting of and going to the space station. Everything was shaking and it was incredibly light.
ponedeljek, 31. marec 2008
I am back!!!From the beautiful and worm Miami and busy and cold New York!It's hard to write everything down what we saw and what we expirienced!But I think pictures tell even more!I will write step by step.
First we flew to Miami where we visited our schoolfellow, because she is studiing on the University of Miami!We had great weather and could also swin in the Atlantic ocean!!Miami is a great and really big city, with incredible beaches!But this is the best city for rich people, because they can spent their money an houses on the beach and cars!!You can see only big big great cars and big big buildings!
Than we rented a car and drove to the Disneyworld!!!!!It's great for children, so when you are there it's just like you are 10 years old again!Everything is so magic!
petek, 15. februar 2008
I decided to look at all my erasmus photos and than make an album with notes. So I could show it to all my friends and family and don't need to repead 1000 times how was it, where were I,...
To make this took me one week, because I couldn't decide which photos to choose and than I already had to go to my study city Ljubljana. I went to my faculty and it was so strange to understand the lesions and everybody was so happy that I am back. But a lot of work was also waiting for me so I was all the time on my faculty and got hardly any sleep.
But yesterday it was valentineday and I spent it with my boyfriend Grega and it was great. We were walking trough Ljubljana and than had lunch together and than returned back home to Maribor.
Now I am more or les packing because I am going to skiing tomorrow!I can't wait to be with my family and Grega one week.I don't know how I am going to manage all my exams, because one week after skiing I am going to Amerika already. But after erasmus my moto is :Don't worry everything will be OK, somehow!
So friends I miss you all very much and I hope that when we said goodbye that this was not forever!
torek, 29. januar 2008
Jaz pa grem v Francijo

Kdor bi želel podrobnejši opis našega izleta lahko pogleda na www.manuela-volmajer.blogspot.com (ker se je Manuela ful vživela in ogromno napisala).
Zdaj pa sem dva dni izkoristila za zbiranje vseh dokumentov in pakiranje, ker se morem danes izselit iz moje lepe, male sobice. Tako da mi je zdaj pa res počasi jasno, da je vsega konec. Nič več počitnic!!!Ampak se še ne dam, še danes ponoči odpotujem z Manuelo in Lucijo v Francijo!!!Ful se že veselim, potem pa se še samo pridem poslovit od vseh v Coimbri in 4.2. zvečer se dokončno odpravim smer Slovenija!!!Tako torej.....na pustni torek se že vidimo ;)-bomo vidli če me boste prepoznali!
četrtek, 24. januar 2008

Najprej da se pohvalim z opravljenim izpitom iz portugalščine 2.!!!Tako sem ponosna nase, da kr ne morem verjet!Drugače pa so se mi včeraj pričele prave počitnice!(ha ha-ker drugače pa je blo tak naporno)Po težkem portugalskem izpitu in po še težjem izpitu iz Evropske unije (kjer je profesor resnično zahteval od mene, da na 4 straneh v PORTUGALŠČINI opišem kakšno avtonomnost uživajo države članice- sicer sem potem nekaj spacala, samo še zdaj ne vem kako uspešno) in po malo lažjem izpitu teorije televizije, sem si počitnice pravzaprav prav zaslužila.
Še boljše pa je to, da sta od včeraj pri meni na obisku tudi Manuela in nejna prijateljica Lucija, ki drugače uživata v erasmus življenju v Franciji.
Po celodnevnem ogledu in slikanju Coimbre in nas seveda, smo si skuhale odlično (dietno) kosilo in si izmenjale neverjetno veliko dogodivščin in izkušenj. Kot prave erasmovke na kupu, gremo zvečer na pravi (glede na francoske razmere) poceni pir. Obe namreč pravita, da je pri meni zelo lepo in poceni ;)
sobota, 19. januar 2008
Po 3 tednih domače,snežne pravljice doma-spet nazaj
Še dobro da je šal z mano moj bratec Matej in tako sva prve dni ful potovala, da sem mu malo razkazala Portugalsko, potem pa še malo čagala v Coimbri, ker se je žal poslovila ena izmed najboljših kolegic v Coimbri-Agata in odšla za vedno nazaj na Poljsko.
Odkar pa je šal še Matej pa se v bistvu samo učim!Včeraj sem mela prvi izpit in bil je še težji kot sem pričakovala, ampak bo!Pred tem pa mi je en izpit(ko sem se celo noč učila)odpado, ker profesorja ni blo-NEVERJETNO!Portugalska pač!
Tako imam naslednji teden še 2 in potem že pride Manuela in njena prijateljica!!!!!!!!In potem gremo skupaj še v Francijo, da vidim kakšen je kaj erasmus v Franciji. Potem imam 1 dan da spakiram in grem domov!
Ja hitro je in bo minilo, samo se je vedno fajn vrnit domov ;)
PS:Slikic pa žal ni, ker me nekaj jezi nalaganje fotografij!